Come for a talk by Linda Bølle about her experience as a lay Catholic missionary in Asia. This event is open to both undergrads and grads/young professionals. There will be a meet and greet at 5:30pm at the Newman Center before the talk at 7pm.
On Thursday, November 4th, Tricia Bølle, of the St. Francis Xavier Lay Missionary Society, will present, "Called to Serve the Persecuted Church in Asia – A Catholic Lay Missionary’s Tale of Faith & Perseverance". The Society forms, sends and supports missionaries to bring the Gospel message of Christ to the people of Asia. She is a passionate lay woman searching for men and women to help her share the light of Christ with young adults in Asia. Beyond works of evangelization, and a variety of faith small groups and workshops aimed at empowering the lay faithful, the Society also serves many disenfranchised groups such as the homeless, migrants, victims of abuse, orphans, including serving alongside Mother Teresa’s sisters. More info: or contact Tricia at Like us on Facebook and Instagram.