The Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) is a Catholic collegiate outreach whose mission is to share the hope and joy of the gospel with college and university students, inspiring and equipping them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization, discipleship and friendships in which they lead others to do the same.

FOCUS Missionaries are present on more than 100 campus across the United States, and since Fall 2019, they have been at our UW Seattle campus! We are excited to partner with FOCUS to bring UW students closer to Christ and to form them into His disciples. If you are interested in meeting our Missionaries or joining a FOCUS small group, please send an email to

Meet Our 2024-2025 Missionary Team:

Ally Kormanik

I am a third-year missionary with the privilege of serving as Team Director at UW! I am from southeastern Wisconsin and attended Colorado School of Mines where I earned a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering. My life was changed by Jesus Christ through the investment and accompaniment of FOCUS missionaries, and I am honored to continue to bring Him and the Gospel to students and the world! I am looking forward to diving into the UW and Newman community and exploring all Seattle has to offer!

Contact Ally here:

Luke Verst

My name is Luke Verst and I am from northern Kentucky. I graduated from the University of Louisville and enjoy running, reading, drinking coffee, and time spent with others. I'm really looking forward to this exciting time in Washington!

Contact Luke here:

Benita Bheemisetty

If it weren’t for the FOCUS missionaries who walked with me and pursued me in friendship from the beginning of college, I would have never been able to become who I am today, let alone a missionary. Their joyfulness and active pursuit of God showed me how I can also be like them, and I learned how to pray, how to pursue others in authentic friendship and trust God in all things. Now, I will be able to do the same for other college students who are seeking meaning in life and a home, and I can invite them into the greatest love story ever written.

Contact Benita here:

Jet Paronable

God has called me to serve college students at the University of Washington, Seattle! A 25 hour drive from my home town! I will lead bible studies, hang in the UW Catholic Newman Center, meet others on campus, hike in the beautiful city of Seattle, dive deep into the faith with students, and so much more all for the glory of God.

Contact Jet here:

To learn more about FOCUS, check out their website here.